Pics: 1. With vocalist Rhonda Sauce. 2. North Beach Rhythm. 3. Beatles Tribute Band. 4 & 5: My trio in Jerusalem.

Max & bassist Joe Taranov at Jazz Club:Louis in Batumi, Georgia.  May 24 thru 26, 2024

A great joy to perform with Vocalist Rhonda Benin and North Beach Rhythm @ The Freight & Salvage, Berkeley, California. August 13, 2023.

Dwayne Ramsey, sax/clarinet. Jim Gammon, trumpet. Clint Baker, trombone/vocals. Simon Planting, bass. Pete Devine, drums. Also featured that day, vocalists Jessica King and Kim Nalley.  A star-studded evening to be sure!

 My jazz trio in Tel Aviv - Jaffa,  Israel: Yours truly on keyboard. Dima Taranov on bass. Itai Kahn on drums.

November 24, 2022 American Thanksgiving Celebration at The Hub in Tel Aviv - Jaffa, Israel. Thank you Nefesh b Nefesh!

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